Reader Interactions


  1. Stephs Two Girls

    Ah, good luck with it. I know that the decision to tell or not tell is a difficult one (I've blogged about that before now myself!), particularly when their difficulties are 'less noticeable'. I wonder if it's worth discussing with a few more adults though, as it probably is the case that she needs them to look out for her a bit more? Children are just the way they are, sadly not all nice (a bit like adults!) so you may not gain anything by teling them at this age. Our junior school did recently hold an assembly about 'differences' though, and maybe a more general discussion is a good idea (I wonder if it should be part of the curriculum, to be honest!). I'm part of a lovely group of mums of girls with autism, which in a way I initially felt guilty about, but actually it is true that girls with autism/aspergers tend to have different issues than the boys do…. shout if you need any help/support x

    • Anne Stone Sweet

      Thanks for your reply Steph, I don't think I'm ready for it to be totally public but I agree about getting a few more adults on side, the dinner lady is a good start. I know her former teacher used to have talks with the whole class about children who were different without singling my daughter out. I really should seek out a group of autism mums, I know some online but not in RL. Thanks for your offer too x

  2. Elaine Livingstone

    We found at school that Bob was well accepted by his peers, it was the adults that had the problem with his issues. I personally feel that hidden disabilities are more difficult for people to accept than obvious ones. You are not allowed to discriminate if a child has x. y or z as it is not acceptable but when children have something less obvious wrong it seems to be. My daughter pulled Bob out of main stream school after just one year to home educate him

    • Anne Stone Sweet

      That's so true about invisible disabilities being difficult to accept. I took my eldest out of school to home educate him when things go really bad, we were really lucky in finding a very understanding home tutor and eventually a really good school for him to finish his exams. I do hope that the future is good for Bob too x

  3. Michelle

    I don't have a child with autism so I can't offer an advice. All I wanted to say is that I hope everything goes well (for all of you) as I really felt your 'anguish' through your post. Michelle x

  4. Actually Mummy...

    Anything which may draw some people's attention to your child in a negative way is such a difficult thing to communicate, even when they are not on the spectrum. Children (and their parents) can be so judgemental. I do hope whatever decision you make turns out well for you both.
    I hope it's ok, I'm going to feature your post in Newbie Tuesday on Britmums this week – I know you're not brand new, but hey…

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