Reader Interactions


  1. over40andamumtoone

    I know it's sad, but it's a lovely post. Both of Monkey's paternal grandparents died before he was born, but they are buried in our local church and we visit them regularly. Monkey knows exactly where their grave is. I'm sure he doesn't quite understand the concept of heaven yet, but he knows that Granny and Gramps live with our two old cats in a place he can't visit 🙂

  2. The Beesley Buzz

    I remember 'telling' my mum when I was first pregnant with J. It was weird but I wanted her to be the first person to know so we visited her grave to tell her. Although it is sad that the kids won't get to meet them, I think they really do take on board what they were like from our memories and stories we tell them. I know that my son's favourite colour was yellow for a long time so I used to tell him about how that was granny pari's favourite colour too and now they talk about that all the time in conversation as if they knew her. much love xxx

  3. Laura Side Street

    What a beautiful post and a wonderful way to remember your mother and father and other family members on this plot. My father passed away in 2004 and I don't think it's ever easy and I too am sad he to did not get to meet his grandson but by getting your little one involved is keeping their memory alive, which is what's important/ A beautiful post xx

    Just stopping by from country kids

    Laura x

  4. Coombe Mill

    So sad yet so special, the grave does indeed look loved and cared for when you leave and a great thing to do with your little Man. Looks like he is enjoying being there with you and helping out. A very valid reason to be getting out in the fresh air and feeling like you have achieved something important and respectful with your day. Thank you for sharing a beautiful spot in a delightful church on Country Kids.

  5. Becky Goddard-Hill

    Both my parent have died , my mum judt three years ago and like you I soent many hours just setting the world to rights. She new my kids fo a few years but oh I woul dlove her to see them now. Its lovely your son knows about his family and family stories keep them alive,

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