Reader Interactions


  1. Sara Murray

    Oh no! I have to admit I haven't done online grocery shopping often in the UK, and it doesn't seem to be an option where I am in the US at the moment… This is definitely not making me feel like I am missing out 🙂 #WotW

  2. The Reading Residence

    Oh no, no, no! Sounds like a total fiasco and I can see how this would dominate your week! I have to say, I always food shop on-line, but having tried Asda a couple of times, I wouldn't again, as there were problems both times. I hope you sort something better out! Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  3. Lous Lake Views

    Oh no what a drama! I loved my online Tesco shopping and miss it terribly now I'm in Canada where online shopping isn't available. I don't enjoy food shopping one bit, it's such a pain no matter how you do it! #WotW

  4. pixiedusk

    Whoa thats epic fail! I am so glad that there are lots of supermarket near my house. I live near the high street and the town. Tesco (not the cheapest) is few minutes walk away. Tesco is okay as long as we dont spend anything on gas and we have those vouchers from them. I hope you can work this out. I know how it is to need to save. Hope you can find something that will work and I will write to ASDA if I were you .. just to getthis thing sorted. = #WOTW

  5. Le Coin de Mel

    What a pain! It is just like this was meant to go wrong from start to finish. You must have been so annoyed (and hungry!). You should definitely write a letter of complaint to ASDA, that is not on! Mel #WotW

  6. tracey bowden

    I have never done an online food shop although now I am without a car it probably would be easier, cheaper and less stessful! This sounds awful and I would definitely write in to complain if I were you #WotW

  7. Empireable

    Hello! I loved reading your post about shopping and how it can be a fun experience. You highlighted the importance of planning ahead and making lists, which is a great way to stay organized and on track when shopping.

    I appreciate your tips on how to shop smartly and save money, such as waiting for sales or using coupons. These are great ways to stretch our budgets and still enjoy the things we love.

    Your post also touched on the social aspect of shopping and how it can be a fun bonding experience with friends or family. It’s important to remember that shopping doesn’t have to be just about buying things; it can also be a way to spend time with loved ones and make memories.

    Overall, your post encourages readers to approach shopping with a positive mindset and to enjoy the experience, whether it’s for necessities or treats. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and reminding us that shopping can be a fun and enjoyable activity.

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