Reader Interactions


  1. Northumberland Mam

    Aww! How fantastic! Congrats about getting married…I actually thought you were already married. Oops. My fella have been together 10 years and people just assume we are. lol
    Well done with the MADs x

  2. raisiebay

    It's my fault we are not married, I've done it all before and didn't want to do it again, but I realised I was being unfair because he's never been married and was always asking me, so I asked him on February 29th and he said yes! xx

  3. Sarah Mumof3 World

    What a year you've had! Glad you're making a slow recovery and congratulations on getting engaged!
    I love blogging about life and what happens too. When I look back on my blog in years to come am I going to be interested in the latest blogging trend or am I going to want to remember what my kids were doing when they were younger? There's really no competition, is there?

  4. rebeccabeesley

    what a lovely idea to have a blog manifesto. I suppose i do have one in my head but not written down and actually it is nice to have it written down as a 'compass' to remind ourselves of the key reasons we blog and the most important things to us. x

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