Reader Interactions


  1. comfortspring

    Oh you poor thing. They make everything looks so easy on TV. I love how they say do this and then they pull out a complete "this" and don't do it on TV. Yeah right. #MMBC

  2. nurserywhines

    Oh dear! What a trial this sounds. And they make it look so easy on TV with everything ready weighed and measured and grated. #GlobalBlogging

  3. Louisa

    I shouldn't laugh, but this did make me giggle. I love you honesty about the process of making your 'easy' cheescake. Wouldn't it be lovely if the chefs on tv were honest about the things they are making. #mmbc

  4. ModernMom

    TV cooking NEVER works like they say. Plus yes, they have 2 ovens, tons of space in the fridge (plus the items already ready to pull out)! Good for you for sticking with it – I'm sorry to hear it wasn't nearly as good as advertised!

  5. raisiebay

    That's why I do tons of prepping for when I cook with my kids, they don't like being kept waiting while I look for tools and ingredients. With all the practise I bet I'd make a great TV chef 🙂

  6. raisiebay

    I'm glad I made you giggle, to be honest I thought the whole thing was hilarious (apart from the cleaning up!) pity the cheesecake wasn't so nice at the end though.

  7. raisiebay

    So true, and lately we have been buying cheesecakes frozen, but my homemade ones are usually much bigger and better! Still have to clean up though.

  8. raisiebay

    I think if I became a food blogger I'd have to buy one to keep in the fridge to bring out at the end, because anything I make never looks so professional, lol.

  9. ourrachblogs

    ha! This made I laff. Phil Vickery ALWAYS makes his food look easy to replicate. It's not. Thanks for sharing with #GlobalBlogging

  10. The Mum Project

    hahah isn't it frustrating! It's like Pinterest, they make it seem so easy and then you try and do it yourself and it all falls apart! Thanks for the laugh and sharing with #GlobalBlogging!

  11. jaxbest

    Oh my goodness, I would be so annoyed!! At least yours looks gorgeous!!! Love those strawberries. #globalblogging

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