Reader Interactions


  1. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    My youngest is doing them this year. We’ve had a new head teacher since my older two did it. This time round, so far, all their homework is on the computer, which means he is very happy to do it and more. I take your point about not being GCSE. I know for my eldest they used their SAT results as benchmarks for their GCSE, which seems slightly wrong to me. The teachers also supply their predictions, but the children will still put weight on the SAT benchmarks provided from 5 years earlier. With SATs I wish the emphasize and message to the 10 to 11 year olds was to prepare them for secondary and not to test them. **steps off soap box** #MMBC

    • Anne Sweet

      I totally agree. I didn’t know they were used as a benchmark for GCSEs that’s even more infuriating. I have an online SATs program for my daughter and she was quite happy to use it at first, but now she’s bringing so much homework home every day she’s not having time for anything else. She had a strop the weekend and point blank refused to do anything school related, and I can’t really blame her.

  2. Louisa

    My daughter sailed through her sats, but she is naturally very academic. I cannot say the same for my son, he really struggled with the pressure. The problem I have found is that they are used as a basis for what set to stream into in high school. Many of the children end up in classes above their natural ability because they have been hothoused for months. This means they are constantly changed classes until they find where they should be #mmbc

  3. sharon brison

    My youngest son is the last one to be doing SATS this year. He is worried, worried that he will fail and be as he says, dumb! With my other 3 and now with him, I stress to him as I did the others that, yes while they are tests they are not, like you point out, GCSEs. No matter what their score they will be retested at their new school once they are there and these are really only for school information. Its the school I feel that pile the pressure on as I wont add to it in my house. I feel at age 10 my son is way to young to feel any pressure on grades. Its a bugbear of mine as I always want my kids to be happy, after all a happy child will get on, an unhappy child wont!

    Thanks for sharing a great article. #MondayStumble

    • Anne Sweet

      Yes, my plan was not to add pressure as I know my girl does not learn as quick and easily as her peers. I got her the online learning app because I thought it would be an enjoyable way for her to learn. But I’ve held off persuading her to do it because of all the work she’s had sent home from school.

  4. Kim Carberry

    Ahh! Ellie my youngest is in year 6 now and instead of bringing homework home she has after school lessons for 45 minutes 3 nights a week. We have cut it down to two as it would have meant her missing her choir lesson which is one of the only things she loves about school.
    My girl is coming out of school grumpy too. I can see myself writing a blog post like this before May. Grr!
    Subordinate conjunctions are a sore subject in this house. lol Ellie had a huge kick off over homework involving them.

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