Reader Interactions


  1. Angela

    Lol, I love the phrase 'patience of a flea', and how your children made good use of the fondant icing which had dripped onto the gresseproof…it must have tasted good! Sounds like it was a lot of fun, and I bet the fondant fancies didn't hang around long!
    Angela x

  2. jennypaulin

    i have to say that I think you and your children did a great job, because they seem such a faff to make so the fact you all made them is amazing , and i love the bright happy colours of the finished fancies. Thank you for linking up xx

  3. debsrandomwritings

    Hi Anne, I have never made fondant fancies, but I was rather partial to Mr. Kiplings ones. The ones your children have made certainly have a homemade look about them and the colours are quite eye catching too. I hope they tasted good.


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