Reader Interactions


  1. Cheryl | TimeToCraft

    I’m glad the festive spirit has found you. I love that your friends have kept the tradition going and come to you. Hope your head feels fine today. The nativity play sounds a blast, in more ways than one. I’m trying to imagine the 90s theme meeting 2018. I’m glad you all enjoyed it. Hope the festive feeling carries on for you. Thank you for hosting.

  2. Kim Carberry

    I have struggled to find my Christmas spirit but I found it yesterday after getting everything done. hehehe
    Ohh! Your girls are so lucky to have had the week off. My two would have loved that. I don’t think I would have been so keen.
    Little Man’s school concert sounds brilliant! What fun!
    I hope you had a fab time with your friends!
    Merry Christmas! I hope the Christmas spirit sticks around x

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