Hello and welcome to the home of Word of the Week, a nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. The idea of the linky is to reflect back on your past week and share it with us. It’s great if you can sum it up in a word or phrase, hence giving us your Word of the Week. My word this week is Sleep and you can read more about that below.
I’m not totally strict on using just a word or phrase but please try to stick to the theme of summing up your week.
Since adding this link up party to a directory I’ve noticed a lot of posts, in particular, recipe posts, that do not fit in with the theme of this linky. I have made the decision to remove these posts from further link ups. So please don’t link up anything unless it includes a summary of your week or events in your life. Thank you for your understanding
There are not too many rules with this linky, just remember to read at least another couple of posts in the link up after adding your link. I will read and comment on all posts and tweet them out for you. I also have a Pinterest board devoted to Word of the Week and I will add posts to Mix Please add the badge below to your post so that others may find us and join in. If you comment or tweet then please use the hashtag #WotW
Word of the Week is open from 6am on Friday Morning to 12 noon on Monday. Plenty of time to join in!
If you are unfamiliar with the Word of the Week linky then please feel free to ask any questions. New linkers are always welcome, we love to hear what you have been up to in the past week.
This week I’ve not been feeling too well. My daughter brought home a cold which she was kind enough to share with us all. Unfortunately, when I get a cold it floors me. I spent the whole weekend doing practically nothing. I didn’t get much sleep at night, so I was dozing on and off during the day.
To be honest, the sleep thing has annoyed me quite a bit. First up, I was disturbed at 5am by my daughter and ended up not being able to get back to sleep. The next night I was really congested and snoring more than usual which kept my husband awake. If I wake him he feels it only fair to wake me up and let me know. Despite the fact that I take medication to help me sleep through my pain. Then once I’m well and truly awake I have to lie there listening to him snoring!
The next night wasn’t much better as eldest son was fed up with the snoring. He came into the room and woke me at least five times because either me or Graham were snoring. What was most annoying was that he wasn’t even trying to sleep, we were just getting on his nerves while he was up all night on his computer. He couldn’t wear his headphones because his ears were sore (he has eczema.)
On Wednesday my daughter slept through her alarm and didn’t get up for work. She was lucky enough to get her day off changed, so we decided to go shopping. After an hour and half around Morrisons I was feeling pretty rough, so we paid and came home. Then I fell asleep for nearly three hours! Graham remembered to pick up the kids from school, even going back for Boo who had an after school club. But he forgot the Little Man’s Parent evening, and of course, I was asleep so not much use.
The good news was that by Wednesday night I managed a whole 6 1/2 hours undisturbed sleep, that’s even after sleeping 3 hours during the day. I think I may have caught up, for now.
Now it’s over to you, what word or phrase sums up your week this week?
Oh no Anne, what a tough week. It’s crazy how much sleep can impact our day isn’t it? I hope you’re feeling better soon and can get back to your normal routine! For now, maybe try hanging a do not disturb sign on your nose when you manage to dose off? #wotw
I’m so sorry to read about your cold and lack of sleep, Anne. As I get older, I struggle with getting a full night’s sleep too. It colors your whole world when you don’t get enough sleep, doesn’t it? Glad that you are finally catching up. Hope you feel better soon!
Oh no! It sounds like a rough week!
It is rubbish when you can’t get enough sleep. When I was full of cold I kept waking my fella up with my snoring. He just took a duvet and came downstairs and slept on the sofa. It is pretty rotton of your husband to wake you up and your son especially since he wasn’t even asleep!
I am glad you have caught up with your sleep now x
A cold can really knock you out can’t they? The lurgy has hit this household too.
I’m glad you finally caught up on your sleep. Suspect you’d be happy to catch up a little bit more. Rough week for you all. Hope this weekend is kinder to you. Thank you for hosting. #wotw
Sleep is such a good word!! Wishing you a good weekend full of rest of good night sleeps.
Oh what a week! It’s always the way isn’t it, when you really need sleep it seems that everything is against you getting it! Hope you’re feeling better. x #Blogtober19
One of my favorite words 🙂
That’s rough 🙁 I hope you find sleep a little easier this week
Lack of sleep is so debilitating and I hate colds but have not had one for a while now thankfully. Hate how coughs are worse when you lie down. I have had sleep issues with anxious whirring thoughts but that seems to have calmed down in last couple of weeks – menopause related methinks. And I now sleep in a totally different room and floor from my husband. I have worked out that I have had around 20 years of disturbed sleep as he is often up or scratching his psoriasis in the night. So now that I need sleep more than ever, having a room to myself is a lovely luxury that I am really benefiting from. Here’s to you getting some good nights of sleep moving forwards #Blogtober19
Sounds like you had a tough week. So hard when you have disturbed sleep like this. Hope you are feeling better now and this week has been a better one on the sleep front. #WotW