Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Self isolating really is the sensible thing to do for your family. I did think about it with my girls and their dodgy hearts but there is only a couple of cases in the whole of our county and I want to keep the routine going as long as possible.
    My youngest girls school today said anyone with a cough or a temp will be sent home and not surprisingly about 10 kids out of Ellie’s class were sent home, all with “terrible” coughs and told to stay at home until after the Easter holidays. Little so and so’s.
    Kim Carberry recently posted…Win a bundle of ACE cleaning products!

    • Anne Sweet

      Yes, there were 25 kids sent home with coughs from my girls school. I really can’t risk catching this virus, so I need to keep my family from catching it too. It’s not going to be easy in a big city, but we will do our best. x

  2. Cynthia

    I self-isolated before my state made it mandatory as well. On a positive note, I love how stay at home orders are bringing out the creativity in people. I have watched so many funny Disneyland ride recreations and can’t get enough of the toilet paper shortage memes.

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