Reader Interactions


  1. Laurie

    As a retired teacher and a mother of 3, I can only imagine how hard it is to teach your OWN kids. At home, no less! I have some ideas about some science projects for my grandson to do now that he is at home. Schools around here are not sending anything home for the kids to do.

    At least jumping on the trampoline burns off some energy! Hang in there!
    Laurie recently posted…March Runfessions

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    I think I’ve got it easier than you. I can imagine with primary age, you have to be with them, encouraging them on. Mine are buckling down and saying how much they are enjoying working at home. Not sure how long it will last. It’s taking them a fraction of the time. At this rate, they’ll all be ahead of themselves in September.

  3. Kim Carberry

    After this afternoon I am quite tempted to expel my two from school and take early retirement. lol
    I have found doing fun things before schoolwork doesn’t work. They have no motivation. We’re back to school work in the morning and fun things in the afternoon from now on.
    It sounds like you and the girls are getting on well and are working hard. It sounds like your Little Man is taking a little time to get into the swing of things. Bless him. It is a big change for them all.
    I totally forgot about the Easter holidays coming up. I think we might just keep working as they’re obviously not doing as much work as they are in school.
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Home! #WotW

  4. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I can imagine it must be really hard trying to teach three at different levels and keep them motivated. I’m quite enjoying it with Sophie but it does help that she wants to learn and that while the school have provided suggested activities, we do have some freedom and flexibility with learning which makes it easier. Good luck with trying to keep your three engaged and motivated x #WotW

  5. Sarah Christie

    Its such an odd situation isn’t it? Joes school have it all covered on line which is so much easier for me, it sounds like you are doing a great job Anne and you are right

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