Reader Interactions


  1. Maria

    Hi Anne,
    There isn’t much change in our house. I go out for the shopping and walks. That’s it. Still queuing up outside Aldi! Daughter’s had some short days back at school. Oh & met up with her friend in the park. She’s been out more than me!
    It feels like life is standing still, yet the year is flying. Strange days indeed. Hope you’re all keeping safe & well x

  2. Kim Carberry

    I hope Boo gets to have a get together for her birthday. We’re planning to do the same in August for my youngest and we’re hoping to have a BBQ. We have had Ellie’s friend, Becky’s girlfriend, my dad and his partner over and in the house but all not at the same time. Our life is getting a little bit back to normal but so different from what it used to be.
    As much as my two have been home for the last few months they haven’t got bored either. I am feeling the boredom the most hence the reason I subscibed to the Wrestling thing. lol There’s nothing else on the TV to watch.
    I hope you feel better soon. Don’t worry about complaining about your health to the consultant. I think it’s wishful thinking he can do something to help but I hope he does.
    That cardigan is gorgeous!
    I can’t wait until the end of the school term. I am so done with home schooling. lol We’ve had no news about them returning in September. Eek x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…Week 28 of #Project366 – A photo every day for a year!

  3. Catherine

    Life still doesn’t feel normal here at all. Even though shops and restaurants, even cinemas are now open we are staying close to home and only going put when necessary. It’s definitely saving us money though, before I used to pop in and out of the supermarket but now I just do one big shop which works out much cheaper.

    I hope Boo enjoys her birthday surprise :o)

    Catherine recently posted…The Wind In The Willows by Kenneth Grahame & Grahame Baker-Smith

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