Reader Interactions


  1. Emma

    What a demanding week for you Anne! I’m glad to hear that your back pain is starting to ease. On top of everything else you have going on, it can’t be easy to deal with. It is crazy to think that kids will be excited to go back to school this year, what a turnaround from the norm! Fingers crossed it’s a positive time for them all 🙂 #wotw

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Sorry to hear that you’ve been suffering with back pain this week, Anne, and glad that it is starting to ease now. I hope that restarting the IVIG treatments will be helpful and fingers crossed that Walter is behaving. It does feel like life is starting to return to more normal levels again although we’re still being quite cautious about venturing out. Funny to be looking forward to back to school before the start of the holidays but it will be good for the children to have some normality again. #WotW

  3. Kim Carberry

    Oh no! That sounds so bad about your back! It does sound like everything in blamed on your condition. Ugh! I am glad you are feeling a little better.
    I am looking forward for the kids to go back to school to and I think if the government said go back next week the kids would be happy about it.
    That is fantastic news that you will be receiving your IVIG treatment again. Good luck with getting Walter checked. I hope it all goes well. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: End of term! #WotW

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