Reader Interactions


  1. Karen

    Oh no! I hope everyone feels better soon. There has been a positive case in Madam’s class so she is having to do daily lateral flow tests, she doesn’t have any symptoms and thus far has tested negative.

    • Anne Sweet

      I hope Madam stays ok, My Little Man has been poorly but he’s not had a positive test, I’m not letting him go to school though because he could still pass it on. The school have agreed with this. x

  2. Jenny @thebrickcastle

    Oh bless you. I do wish out Government had explained everything clearly throughout, they confuse so many people, qnd it really isn’t helpful to anyone.
    Test & Trace is a mess, and ringing everyone in a household because someone tested positive is usually not necessary- ringing everyoneultiple times because several people tested plaintive is a waste of everyone’s time and energy, and I’m so annoyed they haven’t rver sorted that out.
    You are isolating because you are vulnerable – and it make sense medically because if you do have COVID, you really need to protect your energy and take it easy.
    Lateral flow tests are simply not as sensitive as PCR, which is why they do PCR to check the rest of the household. There is no point testing positive people every day, you already know they have COVID! Wait until day 5 or 6 if they hope to get out early – but Omicron is lasting more like 8-10 days in most people I know of, so consider it a bonus if they get 2 x negatives before then.
    I hope you are okay, are improving and will be yourself by next week xx

    • Anne Sweet

      Thank you Jenny, I appreciate your advice, you are the most knowledgeable person I know on Covid. The phone calls have drove me crazy, especially with 7 of us in the house! Eldest son is still showing symptoms 7 days later and he’s refusing to test again until he feels better (I don’t blame him, and he doesn’t have anywhere to go out to.) I figured that I was told to isolate because of being vulnerable but they don’t actually make that clear. I’m still feeling rough and so is the Little Man but we haven’t had a positive test either lf or PCR. We are determined to keep this between us only, I don’t want to share. xx

  3. Joleisa

    Oh no! I am hoping the symptoms and side effects won’t be as bad as they are known to be. We are still keeping our fingers crossed. I did hear someone else talk about the confusion and also conflicting stories when Covid hits your home. All these guidelines and guidance from different sources! Stay safe. Hope next week will be better.

  4. Becky, Cuddle Fairy

    I’m glad you guys are feeling better. We had it in November and it wasn’t fun times but at the same time, I feel relieved to have it over with, yay for natural immunity! Looks like a fun linky here.

  5. Kim Carberry

    Sending love and hugs. What a rotten week for you all. I do hope everyone feels better soon. The cases are running wild in my youngest girls school again. I am thinking it’s just a matter of time before we’re infected. Ugh x

  6. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    So sorry that Covid has hit your house this week and you’ve all been unwell. Hope that everyone is feeling better soon. The advice all does seem quite confusing at the moment over whether or not to self-isolate. Hope that you are all Covid-free again very soon. Big hugs x #WotW


    Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear it caught up with you. It seems to vary symptom wise. We got it over Christmas and one of my children was lucky enough not to have any symptoms.

  8. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Oh goodness! What an outbreak hitting you all. I hope you all feel better soon. We’ve been testing more as one of the teen’s best friend caught it last week. So far, so good. Our school has gone for no masks, but I do wonder how long that will last. What fun times!!

  9. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    What a week for you all! Covid is such a strange thing. Ethan is still the only one who has had it in our house. I do feel I’m waiting for my turn. I think laterals only test positive when you are shedding the virus and others can catch it. I have known people who tested positive on the PCR but never on laterals. I have no idea what the rules are now about isolation. I hope you all feel better soon #WotW

  10. Steph

    What a confusing week for you, I don’t think anyone knows what the rules are now regarding everything!! I hope everyone feels better as soon as possible, and you enjoy your freedom day!

  11. John Gatesby

    Vaccinations have been very effective in bringing the number of active cases down and reducing our concerns. Long term effects of covid is something at present doctors are grappling with.

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