Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the theatre and how lovely to see some of the other cast members from Doctors too. I love Singing in the Rain – have seen the film quite a few times and seen the stage musical as well (we avoided the front row too!). Sophie loves the ‘Six’ soundtrack and would love to see it but she’s too young for it at the moment! Hope you manage to get to see ‘Les Miserables’ with Boo. #MMBC

  2. Kim Carberry

    I am shocked as to how many songs that I know from Singing in the Rain. It sounds like you had a wonderful evening.
    My youngest wants to see Six and Hamilton and I really want to see Les Miserables, I keep seeing it advertised on the TV as it’s touring in Hull next week.

  3. Chickenruby

    I’m not a theatre goer but I have enjoyed this movie many times throughout my childhood. It always amazes me that how many songs we just know. Thanks for linking with #pocolo

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