Reader Interactions


  1. Joanne

    I really enjoyed All the Light We Cannot see– both the book and the show. I can’t speak to how well they followed one another though as it has been quite some time since I read the book. I just started We Were the Lucky Ones; another gripping and rather sad WWII series that follows a large Jewish family living in Poland. It’s also based on a popular book that I’ve read but it’s’ been so long since I’ve read the book I hardly even remember what happens.

    • Anne Sweet

      I’ve watched programs after books and not enjoyed them, but if you leave a big enough gap then I guess it doesn’t matter. I’m really tempted to read All the Light We Cannot see because the ending sounds very different.

  2. Kim Carberry

    I really enjoyed One Day and watched it over a couple of days. I didn’t know the story so it was quite the shock for me.
    I started watching 3 Body Problem about 5 minutes ago! I will see how I get on with it and I am planning on watching Damsel with my youngest later on.
    We went to the cinema to see Barbie and we watched it again over the weekend. We love it and even more so now that we know all the songs. x

  3. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    I love reading TV recommendations. I’ve watched Damsel, One day and Barbie, and really enjoyed each of them. I have 3 Body Problem on my radar, but we’re waiting for my middle daughter to finish reading the books. Might have to watch it without her as it does sound my kind of sci fi. #MMBC

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