Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Oh my goodness! That is awful about the Council Tax overpayment. It seems so wrong that you are paying for their mistake. I am so sorry.
    That makes no sense about PIP! How are you expected to live with no money. The benefit system is just stupid. I would try not to worry about it until the general election happens, that might change everything.
    That isn’t good that your equipment didn’t turn up for your treatment, I hope it has by now or turns up soon. x

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Uncertainly makes the benefit changes seem even worse. I’m sorry that the system is messing you around like this. I hope that it is a mistake in your favour, as it doesn’t seem to make sense. How annoying your treatment didn’t turn up. Frustrating if nothing else, as I bet you were all set up for it. I hope next week brings you better news.

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Oh no, sorry that you’ve ended up having to pay back the council tax and that the new wheelchair has to be put on hold. I really hope that you can manage to keep your PIP and your car whoever ends up in government – that must be a worry with things potentially being about to change. Hope things get sorted out for your home treatment. #WotW

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