Reader Interactions


  1. Coombe Mill

    We have a herb garden in my greenhouse, I think Rosemary is one of my favourites as it is so hardy and great with many greek meals. I also love chives but apparently so do our pet goats who have been housed there over the spring and I now have no chive plant left! I hope your collection fairs better. Thank you for sharing with me on country Kids.

  2. pixiedusk

    We started with our seed planting too. Sadly I think we are too late as its been awhile and still no bud in our tomato but we really enjoyed planting it. Like your son here =) #countrykids

  3. Attachment Mummy

    Hopefully they will sprout soon! Gardening with little ones is such fun, and a great learning experience too. Ours love it. #countrykids (Dill's my favourite BTW as it reminds me of Russia, where it's in pretty much every dish!)

  4. Mama Herself

    We grow herbs on the balcony. I don;t seem to have much luck with things like parsley, corriander and dill, which is a shame as I use a lot of those, but then in some ways it's nice to have the ones I wouldn't buy each week on hand whenever I do want them like rosemary, mint and sage. Plus I like running my hand over the plants when I'm out there and breathing in the scent.

    I'm impressed that you are growing them from seed. I am lazy and buy the plants already grown.


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