Reader Interactions


  1. Fiona Cambouropoulos

    Wouldn’t it be lovely to follow that path and walk along the canal.Before you know it they will be big enough to do it themselves, never loose hope that one day you might walk with them. xx

  2. Debbie

    Hi Anne, looking at the photos you’d never know there is a school just there. Walking home from school must help blow the cobwebs away. It is a shame you can’t walk as you would like, but I bet they enjoyed just seeing you there waiting for them. The upside of never having explored the path is that it will always lead to where you want it to.


  3. Kim Carberry

    It looks like such a gorgeous day….Now the weather is warming up you should go on the school run more. It sounds like it made you feel a little better. x

  4. Tara

    Such a shame that there are steps at the end, it looks like a lovely walk. I’m glad it made you feel a bit brighter. #MySundayPhoto

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