Reader Interactions


  1. Debbie

    Hi Anne, so glad to read you are all okay, it looks like a hell of a wallop Bernard took. I hope your pain subsides soon… I must admit to rolling my eyes when reading that you were given leaflets. Surely a call to the hospital would be better, if need be, than leaflets?… Hope the whole incident doesn’t put a damper on Little Man starting school!



    • Anne Sweet

      The Dr at the hospital was pretty useless, he actually walked out of the cubicle and disappeared while I was in spasm. He was a bit surprised when he came back five minutes later and I was still stiff. I know I’ve no serious injuries but if my spine wasn’t knackered already I don’t what sort of state it would be in now. And the Little Man is still okay for going to school, despite having to walk the whole way. I just hope he’s not too sore tomorrow, he’s some whopping bruises on his legs. x

  2. Kim Carberry

    Oh my goodness! I am so glad you are all OK. What a shock.
    The doctor at the hospital sounds useless.
    Sending love and hugs. I hope your boy is OK for his first day at school tomorrow x

  3. junieper/jesh

    Oh, so sorry you and your little boy had to go through this! Hope your hurt prove to be temporary. If you haven’t done it already, please go to the doc to check you out as well as your little boy (only for the physician’s report sake, so you can get back money from insurance, if it becomes an ongoing problem. Have heard stories, that a few years later (yes) a friend started getting pains that was traced back to a car accident!).

    On another note, also bad, horrid or ugly experiences you can link to All Seasons. Hope to see you back there soon:)

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