Reader Interactions


  1. The Reading Residence

    Hooray for the Little Man! How wonderful for him, it must be lovely seeing him excited about it. But yes, I can totally understand that you’d feel sad about your time together being over, they will be week to remember and cherish. I hope he has a great first week, look forward to hearing about it. And I do hope Star is OK after her fall, good of the school to understand the need to send her home to be safe x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Angela Webster

    Great news ! I hope he will be very happy in his new school, how exciting for him. It’s nice that there are a few familiar faces too. You have done a brilliant job teaching him at home, well done you. Poor Star, I hope she’s feeling much better now. Hope you are enjoying the weekend x

  3. Jeanna

    That is great news for the little guy, I’m so glad it worked out and it’s nice to know someone lives close by and there are kids from his old school there. Can’t wait to hear about his new adventures.

  4. Debbie

    Hi Anne, that is such good news about Little Man and I hope your pranged car doesn’t put too much of a damper on things. Will you get a car to use whilst yours is being fixed? What a difference between Stars school and Little Mans old school, it must be a relief knowing that they know what’s best for her. I hope she recovers quickly.

    Thank you for linking up with #keepingitreal


    • Anne Sweet

      Hi Debbie, yes we’ve been provided with a new car to use until they sort out ours. It’s brand new and Graham already doesn’t want to give it back. Star is fine now thanks x

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