Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I have a little corner of the living room that is my home office and hubby has his set up in the study. I have an old wooden desk which has a few drawers plus some magazine boxes on the desk for storage. It works well for me. Hope you manage to find something that is just right for you x

  2. Debbie

    Hi Anne, I do have a home office and I love it! It’s just a simple little desk and office chair in the corner of our hall (we’re lucky to have a large hallway). It did take me weeks to find a desk that I wanted, which is crazy as it is really simple with no drawers, shelves or keyboard slidey bit. I didn’t want the temptation to hoard stuff away. My husband has offered to put shelves up, but I don’t even want that… I do like the second office down, but without the books shelves. I like the rustic look and the nice bright light… I hope when you do get your office it’s perfect for you.


  3. Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs

    I’d love a little office! I used to have my desk downstairs, but I have moved it upstairs now where it is a little quieter. Ideally, I would love a summer house up the garden so I can work from there! I hope you get your dream office too. 🙂 x

    Thanks for sharing with #MMBC. x

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