Reader Interactions


  1. Enda Sheppard

    Treats and alcohol … a great combination at these moments Anne!. Just to get you feeling more upbeat and ready for the fray/fun. Hope you have a lovely Christmas/. If I haven’t said it already, I love your positivity in the face of real challenges. Have a great 2019 too. #MixItUp

  2. Jeanna

    I’m glad your ekc looks good, still waiting on my mother’s results from last week and we’re of the mind no news is good new. I know what you mean about those shows, either you’re into them or not and others you force to watch may do so in horror. I think A Discovery of Witches is the one I couldn’t download on Kindle, I wonder if you mentioned it before?
    You had me at treats and alcohol! Not only would that make a great name for a band but a blog as well.
    Stop by and link up today if you get a chance or if I don’t see you on social media, Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  3. Debbie

    Hi Anne, that before Christmas build up seems like a lifetime ago now! It’s a shame you didn’t get to enjoy the Christmas market as planned. I hope things got better for you over the festive period and that the children are now ready and raring to go back to school!.. I’m sorry it has taken so long for me to comment. I have enjoyed a few weeks away from the internet, which sort of just happened, but was nice.

    Wishing you a happy and healthy 2019 and thank you for sharing your posts with ‘#keepingitreeal..


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