Reader Interactions


  1. Ojo Henley

    He’s gorgeous! I’ve had 2 cats, one was really cuddly and we had her for 18 years. The second found a new home, when our house got too noisy lol x

  2. nessjibberjabberuk

    My brother used to read the newspaper at the table at breakfast time but had to stop because no matter where the cat was in the house as soon as he heard the rustle from the newspaper it would coming running. He then proceeded to plonk himself on the newspaper and refused to budge! I love box photograph. I wonder how he managed to get out.

  3. RachelSwirl

    Whilst we can’t have cats as my husband is allergic, they are still very cute. Thanks so much for sharing and for taking part in the #MySundaySnapshot blog linky.

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