Reader Interactions


  1. Michelle

    Beautiful photos! And interesting analogies. I don’t know what your illness is, but I too have a chronic illness – fibromyalgia (or maybe chronic fatigue syndrome – the doctors are a little flakey on that account). I just want to offer some solidarity for what that is worth.

  2. sam

    Lovely photos and yes I to am similar if I have had a tough day I need a rest day to recover and come to accept that it is ok to rest and look after yourself X #mysundaysnapshot

  3. Lydia C. Lee

    Beautiful shot. I think it’s hard not to get angry, even angry at others, when you’re struggling with health. Cut yourself some slack and be kind to yourself.

  4. Malin - Sensational Learning with Penguin

    I’m sorry that life is being so tough on you. Being in physical pain can certainly have profound effects on your mental well-being too, taking much of the joy out of living. I really hope you’ve got many better days ahead now, and that you can get outdoors to watch the clouds sail across the skies and smell the flowers around you.
    Beautiful photos from Wales, I’d like to go there some time. I very much like the quote about the river too, very relatable xx

  5. Cheryl | TimeToCraft

    I love the sweep of the landscape in both your photos. Bigger than us all. Makes me want to follow the stream. I like that you’ve found positive expressions to use. I hope it helps you. Hopefully you’ll be able to get out more this week. Although if you’re weather is like ours, you might want an umbrella. #MMBC

  6. nessjibberjabberuk

    I think being in the countryside or seeing photos of it does make us reflect more. It helps to unclutter the mind but sometimes those thoughts aren’t the best. Everybody has bad days regardless of their situation so don’t worry about moaning!

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