Reader Interactions


  1. Angela Webster

    Our words this week are very similar, making plans always makes me feel better when things feel a little out of control. Sorry to hear some of your plans didn’t go smoothly but it’s good that you are taking control and making alternative plans. I hope next week goes well for you x

  2. Lisa notes

    Oh, I so relate to what you’re saying. I love to make plans too. That’s the fun part. 🙂 Keeping them is the hard part. And those 4 a.m. plans? Mine aren’t usually the best then either, but at the moment, they seem glorious. In the light of day I realize they’re usually not good. lol.

  3. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Some you win. Some you don’t. I’m sorry that not all your planning has worked out. I’m glad you made it out for your son’s birthday and maybe the holiday plans will work out in the end. Well done for finishing your crochet cardigan. Looking forward to seeing your next project. I need to finish a few WIPs. Hope your hospital trip goes smoothly and without too much stress. Thank you for hosting.

  4. Karen Blower

    The best laid plans of mice and men as they say 🙁 sorry your’s didn’t quite work but making new ones is always a good idea. Hope your plans for next week work out a little better and good luck with your appointments x

  5. SArah Christie

    Ah its sounds like its been a challenging week, I am so sorry your sons birthday didn’t go to plan! And sometimes the logistics of family holidays are a nightmare, but we are the same lots of saving needed this year for what we want to achieve. I am like you I am a planner x

  6. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    It is nice to make plans even if they don’t always go as you hoped. Glad that you did get out for your son’s birthday in the end and had a good time and well done for finishing the crochet cardigan, what a lovely project to be working on. Hope that you manage to sort out the holiday plans so they come together somehow and wishing you all the best for your MRI this week x #WotW

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