Reader Interactions


  1. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Your card is beautiful. I love the idea of a crochet card. They could keep it as a card or turn it into a brooch. My sister gave us an embroidered wedding card. I loved it and it’s framed in our bedroom now. I love your cardigan. I hope you are wearing it lots. I’m impressed by your colour matching front. #mmbc

    • Anne Sweet

      To be honest, the colour matching was just random, I hoped the wool would do it’s job. I do wish that maybe I’d done one of the pockets with a different part of the wool as it looks rather dark, but it’s only a pocket. And yes, I’m wearing it, the wool is so soft. x

  2. Sarah-Marie

    The cardigan is so pretty. I love the colour. I’d love to learn to crochet. I tried teaching myself with YouTube but I didn’t get very far. Think I need a human teacher! #MMBC

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