Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’m glad Little Man had a good birthday and lovely for you both to catch up with friends this week. The farm trip sounded good – how lovely to have it to yourselves for a little while and not have to worry about social distancing. It has been so hot this week and we’ve enjoyed getting the paddling pool out too. The rain and the storms were very much welcomed here too! Hope you have a good weekend and thank you for hosting #WotW

  2. Karen

    A very exciting week! How lovely that you had the farm to yourselves 😀 Happy Birthday to Little Man – double figures! Where does the time go? That storm was very exciting, I watched from the back garden 😀

  3. Emma

    Oh I’m so glad you got to enjoy the storm Anne! We waited for it and got nothing…until around 1am when the thunder started to roar and the heavens opened. Not my best nights sleep I have to say, but it was a bit of a relief from the heat. I’m the terrible person that wouldn’t mind the colder days to begin now as I’ve been melting, but I won’t wish away the sunshine just yet! #wotw

  4. Kim Carberry

    It does sound like a very exciting week!
    It sounds like your Little Man had a great birthday and how nice of you to see your friend too.
    How wonderful to have the farm to yourself. What a great day out.
    We’ve had a couple of rumbles of thunder but no storms yet. I was so glad it cooled down yesterday. I was so sick of being hot all of the time. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Hot! #WotW

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