Reader Interactions


  1. Kelly

    Such an amazing attitude you have there. Sometimes I definitely don’t appreciate how lucky I am in many ways but really am trying to be more grateful

  2. Donna

    I hope you’re ok lovely. I am always thankful for the NHS. Without them I wouldn’t be here as I was born 3 months early back in the eighties and I wouldn’t have survived without the care I was given. We really are lucky to have them x

    • Anne Sweet

      We are really lucky, I have complained in the past, but only in frustration, I know how tough it is. Plus when you have a sick child you have to make your voice heard above the others sometimes. But even though it took them a while, they did end up saving Star from a very uncertain future. I’m glad they saved you too x

  3. rachelswirl

    Gosh we are so lucky to have the NHS – I only hope we continue to have their amazing services in the future. Thanks as always for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

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