Reader Interactions


  1. Astrid

    Thanks so much for such an insightful post! I started experiencing depression at age seven, but it wasn’t diagnosed until I was 30. I’m so happy your girls benefit from counseling, since the earlier children who struggle are helped, the less likely they probably are to experience lifelong issues.
    Astrid recently posted…The Kindness of Strangers

  2. Aakash Shahakar

    Reading is like exercise to our brain. Everyone must have read of positives sides of reading. You must prefer life-changing books to read. Best article for creating awareness in people’s life. We need more people like you to create such awareness. Thank you for this beautiful article. This article goona help many peoples.

  3. Nayna Ahmed Sriji

    An essential component of a child’s entire development and well-being is their mental health. Their social, psychological, and emotional functions are all included. Resilience and emotional stability in adulthood are based on a healthy mental development during infancy. Better relationships, higher life satisfaction, and better academic achievement are all correlated with positive child mental health. Early intervention for mental health concerns can help avoid long-term difficulties like anxiety, sadness, and behavioral issues. Encouraging surroundings, honest communication, and easy access to expert assistance when required are crucial. By placing a high priority on children’s mental health, we can raise emotionally mature, resilient, and well-adjusted people, giving our kids a better future.

  4. Devin

    Thank you for addressing such an important topic. Mental health awareness for children is crucial, and your insights are valuable in fostering a supportive environment. Great read!

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