Reader Interactions


  1. Portella

    I can’t help but add such a thing as updating windows and doors if yours are old and have cracks. It is an expensive investment, but it will pay off by reducing your heating costs by 30%!

  2. Service Today

    When it comes to heating, there is another thing that can make your life more comfortable and your home – more efficient. It is a smart thermostat. The big benefit of having a smart thermostat is that you can set it to a lower temperature while you’re away and program it to be at your preferred temperature by the time you return. In summer, you can manage your air conditioner this way. Gone are the days spent needlessly heating or cooling an empty house.

  3. Sanders&Johnson

    I see you mostly talk about home improvements in terms of the interior. And I like these suggestions. I also want to suggest thinking about improving the house “from the inside”. After all, not only a well-thought-out interior makes a cozy house. So, check the condition of your insulation, especially if it’s an older house. An easier fix could be that there is not enough insulation to keep the heat in and the cold air out. You may need to install some insulation.
    Inspect all the windows and doors for cracks or gaps that should be sealed off with weathering tape. While this will prevent the heated air from escaping it also helps keep your furnace running efficiently.
    Another step you can do is have your furnace inspected and maintained prior to using it this winter.

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