Reader Interactions


  1. Enda Sheppard

    It’s everything, really, Anne… The lights and decorations going up… Choosing the Christmas tree and waiting for it to arrive… My daughter dressing the tree… Ordering the ham and turkey… the big ‘shop’…. Reluctantly writing and sending cards but so glad I did… To be honest, I never cared too much for visiting extended family, just happy in our bubble, so it’s not so bad that way this year! Hope you enjoy yourself, Anne. Happy Christmas!

    • Anne Sweet

      The shopping has been the bane of my Christmas this year…at least we will be merry considering the amount of alcohol my (adult) daughter put in the trolley! Merry Christmas x

  2. Joanne

    I definitely move furniture around from room to room in order to make room for our tree; my family might think I’m nuts sometimes but it’s such a short season and I do like to have a big tree with lots of lights. #MMBC

  3. Sarah MumofThree World

    I love the idea of a Christmas tree in a bay window! We move an armchair into the hall to make space for our tree. Putting the Christmas tree up is what makes things feel Christmassy to me too, which is why I like to do it later than most people. I want it to feel special.
    I hope you all enjoyed your day, despite the restrictions.
    Sarah MumofThree World recently posted…Parkrun triumphs 2020

  4. RachelSwirl

    For me, very much like you, Christmas is also about the tree… I love nothing more than to sit in low lighting by the twinkle of the christmas tree lights watching TV or reading a good book. It’s so cosy, comfy and festive 🙂
    Thank you for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

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