Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    I already have a blog post half written for my Word of the Week next week. lol I will add a bit about the beginning of the week before I schedule it.
    It doesn’t feel like Christmas is next week despite the decorations being up. I am sure it will when the big food shop is delivered.
    That is good that the girls weren’t at school to be sent home to isolate. Aww! I hope your Little Man is feeling better now. How rubbish he had to miss his party at school.
    Have a fab weekend and a wonderful Christmas x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Ready! #WotW

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Merry Christmas to you and your family Anne. It is certainly going to be a very different one for all of us this year but hopefully we can still find the festive spirit in amongst all the restrictions. I’m sorry that Little Man had to miss his party at school. Hope that he is feeling better now and that you all have a good Christmas. Thank you for hosting #WotW, I love joining in each (well most!) weeks and reading everyone’s posts.

    • Anne Sweet

      Thank you Louise. I’ll be happy to forget about COVID for one day at least and just have an enjoyable day with my close family. The Little Man is much better now thanks. xx

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