Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    I never thought I would hear my youngest say she was missing school but has said it a few times over the last couple of weeks.
    It is tough now trying to limit screen time when they’re on it for school work and talking to their friends.
    My youngest has a habit of doing her work and forgetting to submit it too. Oops. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…Brightening up a rainy day, #MySundayPhoto

  2. Lisa | Handmade in Israel

    It’s all such a shame 🙁 We just have to keep hoping that things will get back to some kind of normal soon. My son has not been in school for almost a year now either and he is finishing this summer! How he will do his bagrut (equivalents of A levels), I don’t know! #MMBC

  3. Carol

    I can understand how all of you are missing school. From the parent perspective, you don’t have a break from getting up to going to bed. #MMBC

    • Anne Sweet

      That’s it, if I do take a break it’s while the children are on even more screens which makes me feel guilty. If I was healthier I’d have them out for a walk each day at least. Maybe when the weather improves a little and I can get out in my wheelchair.

    • Anne Sweet

      My Children will not go out which is part of the problem, at least in the summer they could play in the garden but even the snow was not enough to entice the girls out.

  4. Laurie

    I can’t even imagine how tough it would be to be the parent of school-aged children these days. I don’t understand how home school parents do it. My kids would definitely have missed the personal interactions with teachers and other students. Here’s hoping that the vaccine allows your children to go back to school before too long!
    Laurie recently posted…Participating In Creation, One Great Loaf At A Time

  5. Sarah MumofThree World

    So sorry to hear that you are all missing school! It must be very strange for the girls not to have been to school properly for so long.
    I know my kids want to go back. They miss the social and extracurricular side, but they are coping very well with being at home. They do lots of exercise between lessons and are always going for walks and runs, as well as exercising at home.
    Even though they’re good kids and very independent, I must admit I do sometimes miss my peace and space too.
    Sarah MumofThree World recently posted…Henry and Herbert – reunited!

  6. rachelswirl

    My children are also really missing school but we are doing our best to keep them happy, healthy, entertained and educated. It ain’t easy but I’m sure you are doing well! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

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