Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Those flowers are beautiful. I love having fresh flowers in the house. The Mindful Chef kits look good – we used to get Hello Fresh ones and it was handy to have all the ingredients sorted and ready. Now we just use the recipe cards. I love avocado too. Glad you and Little Man are feeling better now. #WotW

    • Anne Sweet

      I think one of the good things about Mindful Chef is that you get a weekly book with all of the recipes in, so you can buy more ingredients and try other recipes. It’s not as convenient but good for new ideas. I also bought the cookbook. There are only two of us in the family that like trying new things though, that’s the big issue.

  2. Karen

    Lovely flowers 🙂 the recipe box looks good too. My kids are both back on Monday (hurrah!) Glad you and Little Man are feeling better.

  3. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Oh, what beautiful colours and just the right colours for this time of year. I’ve not tried any of the recipe boxes. I can see the attraction, but they’ve always seemed expensive. I need to spot one of these fabulous offers you talk of! We did love watching Schitt’s Creek. Hope you are feeling better now.

  4. Kim Carberry

    I’ve ordered myself some flowers to come with the shopping tomorrow to brighten the house up. Yours are really pretty.
    I hope it is the beginning of the end of the craziness that we’ve been through over the last year. Good luck with the return to school especially for the girls.
    I love the look of the Hello Fresh meals but my family think they’re too fancy. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Struggle! #WotW

  5. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    What beautiful flowers. I have often looked at the food delivery boxes but I can’t work out if they are good value for money or not. We love Schitt’s Creek, we have about four left to watch and we are waiting for when we really need a boost. I hope you and your son are feeling better now #WotW

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