Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’m so sorry that it’s been such a tough week for you all. Poor Little Man – I hope that his arm heals soon. So sorry that Star has been poorly too and that your concerns don’t seem to have been taken seriously – really hope that the doctors will be able to find a better way of helping her as soon as possible. I’m glad that you feel that your family is pulling together well this week though. Hope that next week will be a better one for you all. Big hugs x #WotW

  2. Karen

    Poor Little Man and poor Star 🙁 so very annoying and frustrating when doctors won’t take your concerns seriously. I hope you can find her some help.

  3. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Poor Little Man. What a horrible start to the holidays. I really hope he is feeling better and in less pain. It must be frustrating not getting a straight answer about Star, especially as you feel that they are taking their time. I would be good if they would share their plan with you. I’m glad you find your family strong. I think you are right about being stronger than you realise.

  4. Jayne

    Your poor little man. He is in the wars bless him. I hope he feels better soon and Star too. It’s awful when your kids aren’t well and you can’t help them. I hope you get some answers. Sending a big hug.
    Thanks for hosting. X
    Jayne recently posted…Hectic – My word of the week

  5. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    I saw that he had broken his arm on insta. Poor little guy, I hope it heals quickly for him without needing any extra treatment. Poor Star it must be horrible not having any answers. It’s great to know that your family is there when you need each other. That is the most important thing #WotW

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