Reader Interactions


  1. Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs

    Lovely pic of you and your great-nephew, what a cutie!
    I hope you aren’t feeling too rough after your treatment and that you manage to have a nice weekend.
    I’ll be joining in again next week, I need more time in the days lately, just seem to be chasing my tail! x

  2. John Adams

    The baby pic is essential, right? Hope you feel better this coming week after your treatment. I can’t imagine what that must have been like during the height of the pandemic. As for mobile phones in hospitals, my experience is that it’s a free for all in maternity wards!

    • Anne Sweet

      Of course baby pics are essential, and I did promise last week 🙂 It was okay during the pandemic as my ward is in the old part of the hospital which is a fair distance from the main hospital which had all the Covid patients. A couple of the nurses caught Covid early on, but thankfully they recovered. It’s still a bit strange with the extra spaces, plastic screens and masks galore. We can’t even enter the ward without having our temperature taken, and they only allow hospital grade masks.
      As for photos, I was way ahead in the technology stakes when I had my first born, I had bought one of those instamatic cameras and we took photos which were produced straight away and taken back to show family members. 🙂

  3. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    I’m trying to imagine what it must be like to be in a hospital ward for five days on a trot. I hope you feel the positive benefits of the treatment soon. Your great nephew is gorgeous. I bet it was lovely to cuddle him.

    • Anne Sweet

      The hospital is very nice, I usually enjoy the chance to relax and not worry about all my problems at home. I can just recline my seat and listen to my books. I just wasn’t in the mood for it this week though. I have since had a second cuddle with my great nephew, he’s a blessing x

    • Anne Sweet

      Thanks Louise, I’m not feeling too bad today, although I felt awful yesterday and had a bad night. Fingers crossed I’m over the worst now. My great nephew is so sweet, I can’t wait to meet him again.

  4. Astrid

    I’m so happy you are well cared for while undergoing your treatments. So sorry they aren’t the miracle cure you’d hoped for, but glad they keep you relatively stable. As for mobile phones, I don’t think they can realistically be banned anywhere anymore.
    Astrid recently posted…Birthday #WotW

  5. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    It must be horrible having to go through a solid week of treatment. My liver shuts down when I’m pregnant and I had to go to the hospital for 14 days straight before Little E was born for tests. Thankfully just a few hours at a time but it shot my nerves to pieces. I hope you are feeling brighter now #WotW

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