Reader Interactions


  1. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Happy Birthday, Boo! I’m glad she had a good day, with friends around to celebrate. I can imagine it gets quite noisy. I hadn’t thought of electric scooters adding to the noise level. That would be bugging if they’re going backwards and forwards. Sorry to hear that the bugs love you. They love my husband too, which is good for me as they seem to make a bee line for him. He’s my jam boy! I hope you have a wonderful holiday. I hope the weather is good for you and the views are stunning.

  2. Joleisa

    Well, we are glad that the manic mayhem is over and you can enjoy your holiday! Soon, it will be just the 2 of you to enjoy holidays together! That’s why Leisa and I go out now and enjoy our own company whether on holidays or our little day dates. Life is like that, it has it’s seasons. Glad your teenager enjoyed her birthday with friends.

  3. Kim Carberry

    What a busy week.
    Ahh! Our neighbours are away and it is bliss! It’s not just the kids locally to you our neighbours kids are so loud and scream so much too. I don’t remember my two ever screaming that much.
    I hope your bites are feeling better. The bugs here are unreal, I am sure they’re all supersized. Some of the bees are cotton wool ball size.
    It sounds like Boo had a great birthday. I find it strange having people over, especially the kids friends. After a couple of hours I am always ready for them to go.
    I hope you have a wonderful holiday. You deserve it! x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…This week my Word of the Week is: Chilled! #WotW

  4. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    Your area does sound pretty noisy and the work on the flats can’t have helped at all. I hope that work is over quickly. Boo’s birthday sounds perfect. It must have been nice to have people over to share it. Also hard work though. I often wonder how long the four of us will go on holiday together #WotW
    Jane – Our Little Escapades recently posted…Word Of The Week – Testing

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