Reader Interactions


  1. Fee

    I have always found the world of affiliate programmes to be a bit of a mind field and I have dabbled in it in the past with ShareASale. Affiliate ad banners don’t work for me at the moment as I don’t have enough traffic but I am certainly going to bookmark this post for future reference as it was a really useful read x
    Fee recently posted…Blogtober Tag 2021

  2. Natalie

    I have been a blogger for years, and didn’t know much about affiliate links until reading this post! This is such a great resource. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Claire

    Really useful post. I love Awin, Etsy, and Amazon affiliate programs. I had to take my plugins off as I had problems but I still can add manually. Well done on the competition win! It’s a lovely bonus, isn’t it?

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