Back in 2014 I observed my three youngest children while they made some decoupage. I talked about their personalities at the ages of four, seven and nine years old. Then on to 2017 (which seems like yesterday) I wrote another post when they were six, nine and eleven years old.
My children are now eleven, fourteen and Sixteen and this will probably be the last time I talk about all three of them personally as the girls are getting older and need their privacy. I just wanted this final chance to talk about their changing personalities.
The Little Man
The Little Man has just started Secondary School. He’s a lovely child. He has calmed down a lot from his crazy whirlwind days but mostly because he puts all his attention into his computer games. He has had a couple of difficult years because of Covid meaning not being around other children of his own age. But we do have a dilemma, he wants lots of friends, he loves other children. But, he comes on a little too strong/bossy/strange and the other kids are not so keen to be his friend. He does have a few really good friends who get him though and that’s great, because he is kind and caring and will do anything for anyone.
When he was learning from home he did all of his work and kept up with everything (Apart from PE.) He is a clever boy and absorbs information like a sponge. He needs more and more though and still gets bored really quickly. While doing his online school work he would also have a game running in the background. I objected at first, but when his teacher complimented him on doing so much work I figured that it wasn’t so much a big deal. He was doing both equally well.
He’s found it difficult fitting in at Secondary School. He wants more friends but often gets missed out. He still fidgets in class and gets bored really easily. The school has been helpful though and let him wear his Touch Points. These bands have been a real life changer for my boy and I didn’t have to review these and have no affiliation with the company.
At home he’s happiest on his computer but he also has some favourite films he likes to watch, mainly Spiderman into the Spider verse, Angry Birds and Avengers. He loves nothing more than family games night, but sadly these don’t happen enough. He craves attention from the rest of the family, but only gets it from me and his Dad, and occasionally his eldest brother.
Boo The Teenager with Attitude
Again, Boo has changed a lot since I last wrote about her personality. She’s a teenager with the moody attitude who likes to pretend the rest of the family doesn’t exist. She’s happiest drawing or watching videos on her tablet. She also likes video games and in particular, music based games.
She still has a love of music but now she prefers to play the guitar than sing. She’s quite talented so she must get that from her Dad (even though I’m the one with the post graduate music diploma, I don’t have natural talent.)
She no longer has a large group of friends but she does have friends that she’s known for a very long time and they are a tight group. She also has a girlfriend, although we are not taking this super seriously until she is a little older. If she does feel that way it’s fine, but at fourteen she’s still a little young. She has told me that she is pansexual, so I guess she has done her research about her feelings. We suspect that her girlfriend is transitioning, but again, she’s also fourteen so we will wait and see how this all works out.
Boo has become incredibly anxious. We are thinking it may have been triggered by Covid, but it probably also has something to do with her thoughts of her sexuality and she most definitely has some issues with her body. We are keeping a close eye on her mental health and she knows we are always here to support her no matter what. We have also made sure that she is getting support in school. She is in her GCSE years now but just like her older sister she is spending more and more time in SEND rooms. (SEND – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.)
Shining Star
It’s time to stop featuring Star on my blog as she is sixteen now. But I didn’t want to leave without one final update. She is my girl that has been through so very much in her young life and taken everything in her stride. She didn’t do well during Covid and the home education, it just doesn’t suit her and it was really not the right time to happen, during her GCSE years. As a result she didn’t do super well in her exams, but I’m still proud of her for attempting them. She ended up with good enough results to get her on a college course in animal welfare which is what she really wanted to do. She is also re-sitting her Maths GCSE (Thankfully, she passed English.)
She loves animals and wants to work with them. We live very close to a wildlife reserve that would be perfect for her (And she may be offered work experience there later in her course.) Failing that, there are several animal rescue centres nearby where she could work, and even pet shops. So long as she is working with animals she will be happy. And I’m happy, I couldn’t be more proud of her.
Star also has a boyfriend, it’s been a slow burning relationship but they seem pretty steady. I’ve met him a few times and he’s a nice boy. They are both happy and that makes me happy for them. They don’t get to spend too much time together, but they are always messaging each other.
Her health hasn’t been the best and it’s been difficult now the Children’s hospital are no longer interested and it’s at a time when trying to get referred to the adult hospital is a real struggle. I don’t want to go into too much detail about her health but we’ve just been through the most awful weekend and I was on the verge of taking her to A&E she was so poorly. Thankfully she picked up and she’s back at college today (Although they have already called me and asked if she could be picked up.)
Final Words on My Kids Personalities
As I said, my children will probably feature less and less on my blog from now on. Well, I may drag the Little Man and Boo in for some review opportunities, and of course the Little Man is not even a teen yet so he may appear for longer. When I started this blog I had three littlies (That’s what I called them, the Littlies) but now two of them are grown up. Sometimes I think I was crazy having children in my 40s, but they keep me going. I think if I’d not had them and then suffered this crazy chronic illness, I may not have fared so well. It would have been easier to just give up trying to get better without youngsters to care for. They have given me more fight. Of course, I would have wanted to keep going for my other family members, but the younger ones have needed me more and I’ve ‘had’ to get out of bed in the morning to look after them.
I love how my children have grown and changed and I love how they’ve featured on Raisiebay and given me so much to write about. They all have such different personalities and it’s been such a joy watching them change and grow.
When you have children your life changes drastically and I love this piece by Whimsical Mama about 7 ways to make you feel more like yourself after having children.
Your children really do sound amazing. You must be so proud.
You Little Man sounds like such a clever boy and Boo sounds like she has thought long and hard about her sexuality. It is such a big deal especially at her age. It sounds like Star is doing well at college and has a good plan on what she wants to do with her life. I hope she gets the referral to the hospital soon. The poor love. x
Kim Carberry recently posted…How I have been getting fit & losing weight.
Amazing the differences but your care and kindness shines through and they’re so lucky to have the wonderful Raisie raising them!
This is such a sweet post! I love how you describe each of your children’s unique personalities in such a caring way. Here’s hoping Star will indeed find work experience with the wildlife reserve.
Astrid recently posted…Loneliness Comes From Within: Some Reflections
Interesting to read, you must be so proud
Whilst I have just discovered your blog through blogtober I can honestly say that your kids sound amazing and you must be so proud of what each of them achieved to date 🙂
Fee recently posted…The Day I met Stanley (the Sloth)
I love this post Anne! What a beautiful family you have.
I think our kids will always be our babies no matter how old and cheeky they get!
Little man sounds like such a lovely and caring little boy.
Good for Boo being open about her sexuality. I think you have a brilliant outlook though, to go with the flow while she is still young. As long as she is happy that’s all that matters.
It sounds like Star is doing so well at college, I hope she gets the referral to the hospital too.
You have an awesome little gang to be proud of there. xx
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