Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    ooh, nice. I love making a mental list of the things I am grateful for and it always makes me feel better too! Last year, for our birthday, we gave away some gratitude journals to our friends, family, and subscribers. Maybe we need to start a physical list too. I am happy that you can sense the love in your family even though things might not go the way you want them to. Congrats on the Etsy sales, that’s such good news. You should link it in your posts. I did check once or twice but didn’t find anything. But it would be nice to have a look again. Thanks for the chance to link up when we can. Sending you sunshine and sparkly thoughts.

  2. Louise (Li

    Aw thank you for the lovely mention and I love that gratitude is your word for this week. I have to say that I’m not always positive in my word of the week posts and those daily gratitude posts don’t always come easily, but I do find it helpful to look for those things all the same. Lots of little things in your week to be grateful for. Well done to Boo and Little Man for getting merits. How lovely to be given a new coat and a handbag from your daughter. Congratulations on your first sales from your Etsy shop and sounds like you are getting organised with Christmas shopping. I’ve been doing a lot of mine on Etsy this year. #WotW

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