Reader Interactions


  1. Deborah

    I quite like the wind and don’t mind being out in it. I do have to cover my ears though as like you they are sensitive to the wind and the cold.
    Hope you enjoy your day playing games.

  2. Joleisa

    I know what you mean about the windy days. It’s my eyes that get affected the most. And I do feel extra cold if I have to be out there on a windy day. Enjoy the teacher training day. I hope the kids enjoy it.

  3. Kim Carberry

    We have had a couple of windy days here too but also a couple of not so bad one’s so I could get the washing out on the line to dry. I am not a fan of the wind either.
    I hope you had a great time at the ballet. The wind machine sounds interesting and I hope you had a fun day today x

  4. Astrid

    I completely relate to disliking windy weather. It’s been quite windy out here too and it kind of scares me. The funny moment at the ballet was a welcome distraction, I’m sure. #MMBC

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