Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    What a pretty rose.
    Go on, you nag Graham and get some colour into your garden. I think once you get one flower it’s natural to want more. I am waiting for my wildflowers to bloom, they’re growing but there’s no colour yet. x

  2. Catherine

    I’ve planted geraniums in pots, they’re so easy to care for and don’t need constant watering. I wasn’t going to do too much but they were selling cheap plants in Aldi so let’s see how they grow. Have you thought about planting mini tomatoes in pots? They give lots of colour and are tasty too :o)


  3. Malin SenLearningWithPenguin

    We could do with more colour in our garden too. We have one rose bush, which is lovely, and we’ve added a couple of small rhododendrons, a spirea, and a few other plants but not many that flower very much. Oh yes, the pineapple sage is a good one as well, flowering with bright red flowers at various times of the year, plus the leaves have a beautiful scent (and can be used for tea etc). But there still isn’t a great deal of colour at most times of the year. Your rose is looking lovely though x #MMBC

  4. Ruth

    The rose is so pretty. I love the colour. I am not a keen gardener. I have a few nice rose bushes in the front garden and thankfully they seem to look after themselves.

  5. Andrew Luce

    What a lovely photo of your flower, it’s so vibrant and colorful! I enjoyed reading about the significance of this flower in your garden and how it brings you joy. Your Sunday Snapshot series is such a great idea, thank you for sharing these beautiful moments with us.

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