Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Autumn fun does change especially as the kids get older.
    Good luck with your list especially with finding your Little Man a new school.
    I hope your booster vaccine goes well. My eldest has her’s tomorrow and Stu has the link to book his but hasn’t got around to it yet. x

  2. Claire

    A busy bee, lots to do this Autumn. We’ve been having our Covid boosters and booking our flu jabs too. Well done on your crochet blanket, I can’t wait to see it and it is a good way to save money on heating atm. I haven’t started watching the new series of DRUK yet! I didn’t even know it had started- usually, I see a big build-up and lots of interviews with the new Queens. I have no idea how I missed it but will catch up ASAP! xxx

  3. Shanna

    This was exciting as you have a lot of things planned. I hope you are able to get everything yo desire completed. And that you enjoy it! Have fun with Blogtober.

  4. Astrid

    I’m so happy you’re trying to make time for enjoyable activities in the midst of all the health stuff (for you and Star) and school/college stuff (for all your kids). Hope you do have a good season.

  5. Joleisa

    Your list does sound exciting! That Rupaul thing, think I’ve seen a bit once. I also should add getting the covid booster jab to my list. I went last week but they were offering a different ‘brand’ to the ones we’ve got before so we didn’t have it. If possible, I’d like to keep up with the Pfizer one. Good luck with schooling etc for Little man. Happy Blogtober too!

  6. Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs

    You are busy! We do the fun stuff with the kids but I think my bucket list is going to be full of appointments too!
    We’ve got flu jabs, Covid boosters, a heart check-up, dentist, smear and god knows what else. It’s more like an MOT checklist haha! Good luck with your list. xx

  7. Shell Louise

    We’ve got to wait for our doctor’s surgery to send appointments out. They’re currently doing all the elderly and vulnerable people. Hopefully, it won’t be long before mine comes through.
    I’ve started my Christmas shopping and I can’t wait for it to be here!

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