Reader Interactions


  1. Debbie

    Hi Anne, now that is a thoughtful analogy! I enjoy autumn as I do spring, for the changes and the colours, but when compared to life as we get older it doesn’t seem quite so pretty! I’m already thinking of Christmas too, but we are lucky that we don’t need to buy loads of presents, but I an a bit stumped as no one seems to want or need anything ( chocolates all round).


    • Anne Sweet

      I sometimes feel that Autumn comes around too quickly these days, I certainly don’t look forward to winter. I’m a bit worried about Christmas this year as my kids don’t seem to want anything! Normally by now I have a list as long as my arm. xx

  2. betty - NZ

    Fall always makes me a bit sad–at least, until I convince myself that spring is somewhere on the other side. I guess it’s that word ‘change’ that bothers me, too.

    I have never thought about whether tortoises (or any other critter) would miss Christmas….certainly something to ponder 🙂

    My Corner of the World

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