Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    The lights really are pretty in Zizzi.
    I am not a fan of lamps in my home. They really seem to irritate my eyes, I am a nightmare at Christmas, I hate flashing lights on the tree.
    Well done Boo for taking charge. x

  2. Carol

    Sometimes we all have light bulb moments where an idea or concept is seen in a new way. The interesting light bulb is a great choice for your Sunday photo. #MMBC

  3. Amila

    I like watching beautiful lighting arrangements when I visit restaurants and other places. Those add beauty to the interior other than lighting the space. Nice picture here. Have a great week!

  4. Ruth

    That’s a lovely lightbulb. I like lamps at home and bright ceiling lamps annoy me a bit. That’s so great that you had a lovely night out at dinner. And well done to Boo for being so responsible.

  5. David patrick

    I like watching beautiful lighting arrangements where an idea or concept is seen in a new way, those add beauty to the interior other than lighting the space. Have a good week.

  6. Sarah MumofThree World

    Sorry to hear it’s been a difficult week, but glad you enjoyed your evening out and the kids managed OK at home.
    The lightbulb reminded me that we bought some lighting very similar to that just before the pandemic. It needed an electrician to install it, but of course we couldn’t have anyone in our house. It’s still sta waiting in the garage!

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