Reader Interactions


  1. Shahzad

    Anee Sweet, I can definitely relate to the feeling of the empty nest syndrome. It’s a big transition for any parent. But it’s great to know that there are still opportunities for us to make a positive impact in the world, like becoming foster carers. Thanks for sharing this valuable information, it’s inspiring.

  2. chickenruby

    Fostering was something I thought about as the kids moved into their teenage years, but didn’t think it would be fair on them to share me even further. It’s not something I would think about now, despite being an empty nester as I’ve filled my life with grandchildren and other things.

    • Anne Sweet

      My Mum fostered when I was young. She wasn’t an empty nester although my two older brothers had already left home. She did stop once she got pregnant with my younger brother. It was kind of strange having teens in sharing our home, but they were never there very long and I was too young to have many memories. (There is an 8 year difference between me and my younger brother and my older brothers are much older than me and were married when I was very young.)

  3. Kim Carberry

    When my brother and I left home my parents fostered kids and they loved it. It was hard work but well worth it. They did emergency foster care so only had kids for a few weeks until something more permanent was found for them but like everyone said that was the hardest time for the children as they’d been uprooted from everything they knew.
    I would love to foster kids when my two have left home. x

    • Anne Sweet

      Fostering is such a rewarding thing to do. My Mum was an emergency foster parent too so they were never with us for long so I can’t really remember them. She also looked after two of my cousins for quite a while too. One I consider my cousin/brother but I don’t see him often now.

  4. Ruth

    When my oldest son moved out It took me ages to adjust and I missed him so much (I still miss him!)I was happy that he was happy to be moving in with his fiancée but I honestly didn’t expect the years to go by so fast and I wasn’t prepared for this next stage. My younger son is 18 and he still has a few years left at home because he will be studying. But I know that the time will fly! I have thought about fostering and it would be something that I would have really like to do. But I can’t because I work full time. If I didn’t I would look into it for sure.

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