Reader Interactions


  1. Ruth

    That is a really pretty tree. So lovely that everything is blooming for you guys. I am glad that the treatment you are having is helping and I hope the side effects wear off soon. The coronation will be on at around 6 or 7 pm on Saturday our time. Which is a perfect time for us to watch but we are going out to see a band. We got the tickets ages ago before we knew the date of the Coronation. I’m disappointed that we won’t be home to watch it.

  2. Carol

    I agree spring flowering trees are a great exclamation of spring. I’ve never been to a cemetery where you can choose a tree instead of a headstone. I’d go tree with flowers all the way. #MMBC

  3. Kim Carberry

    I have noticed all of the blossom on the trees too, it’s so pretty. I think I would rather be under a cherry blossom tree than a grave stone.
    I am glad the treatment is helping a little and that is great news that you only have a headache and not a full blown migraine. x

  4. Amila

    These spring blossoms look lovely. It is beautiful when the trees are full of flowers. I am glad to hear that treatments help you with your condition.
    Have a great week!

  5. Sarah MumofThree World

    What beautiful blossom. I’m glad you’ve finally found the timing of your medication which seems to work best.
    I hope you manage to get your barbecue out soon! We’ve finally had a few days which have felt like spring.

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