Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    It’s so nice to live in a town but so close to the countryside.
    Time does seem to go faster the older you get. I have realised that, especially over the last few years.
    How exciting to be getting a new car and having it adapted. Good luck with the driving. x

  2. Catherine

    How exciting to get a new car! Hopefully you will find it easy to get back to driving. We’ve just got a new electric car. It took me a while to get used to it, during the first week I talked to myself as I drove to make it easier!!


  3. Sarah MumofThree World

    What lovely photos and lovely thoughts! It will be amazing to get the chance to drive again.
    I definitely feel that life is going by too fast. I can’t believe that my youngest child will be going into year 13 in September and that my middle one has just about finished his first year of university.

  4. RachelSwirl

    I love speedy shots – there’s some amazing scenery to be snapped whilst travelling. Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

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