Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Ohh! That is exciting about the new car and you driving too. Hooray for Little Man’s new laptop. I hope it encourages him with the home education.
    We have got a shiny new boiler which was the highlight of my week. hehehe x

  2. Karen

    Ooh a shiny new car how lovely! I like silver as a colour. Hope the new laptop gives your son some inspiration to do his work, it can’t be easy for either of you.

  3. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    What a great word. Our latest car is silver. My first was silver too. I hope you enjoy it. A new laptop sounds fun too. I was wondering when I might need to get my little lady a laptop. I’m mac based but I’m not sure I will be getting her one of those! #WotW

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